Profesora contratada doctora
Estudio de errores meioticos en lineas consanguineas de centeno y en hibridos trigo-centeno 1995
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Supervised Theses (2)
Pulmonary surfactant-related factors in the pathogenesis and therapies of respiratory diseases 2021
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Surfactant protein sp-d in the lung context: oligomerization, biological activity and protective role in lung homeostasis 2018
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Arroyo Rodriguez, Raquel
Theses Committees (2)
Secretary of the Committee
Terapias basadas en surfactante pulmonar: Viajando por la interfase respiratoria para administrar fármacos: Pulmonary surfactant-based therapies : surfing the respiratory interface for drug delivery. 2022Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Secretary of the Committee
Pulmonary surfactant and drug delivery 2018Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Hidalgo Roman, Alberto