Profesor titular de universidad
Publicaciones (39) Publicaciones de FRANCISCO JOSÉ GUIL GUERRERO
Electronic states on a lattice in periodic magnetic fields
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 48, Núm. 3
The initial-value problem for the dKP hierarchy
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 40, Núm. 50, pp. 15041-15054
Functional symmetries and solutions of the dKP hierarchy
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 37, Núm. 20, pp. 5401-5416
Matemáticas para la computación
Diego Marín Librero Editor, S.L.
On twistor solutions of the dKP equation
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 36, Núm. 23, pp. 6457-6472
The Whitham hierarchies: Reductions and hodograph solutions
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 36, Núm. 14, pp. 4047-4062
Representation theory for the Hubbard model
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 34, Núm. 44, pp. 9367-9380
The Darboux system: Finite-rank constraints and Darboux transformations
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 38, Núm. 11, pp. 5968-5975
Darboux transformations for the Davey-Stewartson equations
Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, Vol. 217, Núm. 1, pp. 1-6
Representation of the Hubbard model in the Clifford algebra
Nuclear Physics B, Vol. 458, Núm. 3, pp. 609-622
States and energies of the periodic Hubbard model at half filling
Nuclear Physics B, Vol. 473, Núm. 3, pp. 601-615
The Dirac equation and integrable systems of KP type
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 29, Núm. 3, pp. 641-665
Deformation of the dromion and solitoff solutions of the Davey-Stewartson I equation
Physics Letters A, Vol. 209, Núm. 1-2, pp. 39-47
Finite-rank constraints on linear flows and the Davey-Stewartson equation
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 28, Núm. 6, pp. 1713-1726
The Davey-Stewartson equation and constrained linear flows
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol. 87, Núm. 1-4, pp. 99-104
AKNS hierarchy, self-similarity, string equations and the Grassmannian
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 27, Núm. 6, pp. 2129-2142
The Hopf-Cole transformation and the KP equation
Physics Letters A, Vol. 190, Núm. 1, pp. 49-52
Two-dimensional integrable systems and self-dual Yang-Mills equations
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 35, Núm. 6, pp. 2902-2913
Nahm equations and self-dual Yang-Mills equations
Physics Letters B, Vol. 302, Núm. 4, pp. 431-434
String equations for the KdV hierarchy and the Grassmannian
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 26, Núm. 14, pp. 3569-3582