Publicaciones (58) Publicaciones de FRANCISCO NAVARRO LERIDA


  1. Quasinormal modes of rapidly rotating Ellis-Bronnikov wormholes

    Physical Review D, Vol. 109, Núm. 8

  2. The effect of Skyrme-Chern-Simons dynamics on gauged Skyrmions in 2 + 1 dimensions

    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 57, Núm. 32


  1. The role of the Callan-Witten anomaly density as a Chern-Simons term in Skyrme model

    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 56, Núm. 46


  1. On the effects of the Chern-Simons term in an Abelian gauged Skyrme model in d = 4 + 1 dimensions

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Vol. 814


  1. SO (2) gauged Skyrmions in 4+1 dimensions

    Physical Review D, Vol. 101, Núm. 12


  1. On the topological charge of SO(2) gauged Skyrmions in 2 + 1 and 3 + 1 dimensions

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Vol. 791, pp. 287-292

  2. Vortices of so (2) gauged Skyrmions in 2+1 dimensions

    Physical Review D, Vol. 99, Núm. 4


  1. Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons Black Holes

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  2. New black holes in D=5 minimal gauged supergravity: Deformed boundaries and frozen horizons

    Physical Review D, Vol. 97, Núm. 8

  3. Properties of rotating Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton black holes in odd dimensions

    14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings

  4. Radial excitations of non-static J = 0 black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons gravity

    14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings

  5. Squashed, magnetized black holes in D = 5 minimal gauged supergravity

    Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2018, Núm. 2

  6. Universal relations for quasi-normal modes of realistic neutron stars containing exotic matter

    14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings


  1. AdS 5 magnetized solutions in minimal gauged supergravity

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Vol. 771, pp. 52-58

  2. Charged rotating black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory with a negative cosmological constant

    Physical Review D, Vol. 95, Núm. 6

  3. Effect of Chern-Simons dynamics on the energy of electrically charged and spinning vortices

    Physical Review D, Vol. 95, Núm. 8