Profesor titular de universidad
Catedrático de universidad
Publicaciones en las que colabora con JOSÉ JESÚS MARTINEZ DÍAZ (61)
New 3D Velocity Model (mTAB3D) for Absolute Hypocenter Location in Southern Iberia and the Westernmost Mediterranean
Earth and Space Science, Vol. 11, Núm. 10
Supporting Information for "New 3D velocity model (mTAB3D) for absolute hypocenter location in southern Iberia and the westernmost Mediterranean"
Supporting Information for "New 3D velocity model (mTAB3D) for absolute hypocenter location in southern Iberia and the westernmost Mediterranean"
Deterministic seismic hazard analysis from physics-based earthquake simulations in the Eastern Betics (SE Iberia)
Engineering Geology, Vol. 327
Seismogenic potential and tsunami threat of the strike-slip Carboneras fault in the western Mediterranean from physics-based earthquake simulations
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 23, Núm. 6, pp. 2031-2052
Supplementary data for "Seismogenic potential and tsunami threat of the strike-slip Carboneras fault in the western Mediterranean from physics-based earthquake simulations"
Supplementary data for "Seismogenic potential and tsunami threat of the strike-slip Carboneras fault in the western Mediterranean from physics-based earthquake simulations"
Active Triclinic Transtension in a Volcanic Arc: A Case of the El Salvador Fault Zone in Central America
Geosciences (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 7
Active faults of El Salvador
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 105
DATASET - Physics-based earthquake simulations in slow-moving faults: a case study from the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (SE Spain)
DATASET - Physics-based earthquake simulations in slow-moving faults: a case study from the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (SE Spain)
Deformación tectónica en la Zona de Cizalla de las Béticas Orientales mediante técnicas geodésicas (GNSS e InSAR), resultados preliminares
Geotemas (Madrid), Núm. 18, pp. 820
Inicio del régimen transpresivo en la Falla de Alhama de Murcia, algunas evidencias cartográficas y de campo
Geotemas (Madrid), Núm. 18, pp. 91
Litologías, arquitectura y cinemática de la roca de falla de la Falla de Alhama de Murcia
Geotemas (Madrid), Núm. 18, pp. 817
Modelo cinemático del antearco Centroamericano
Geotemas (Madrid), Núm. 18, pp. 819
Perfil térmico somero de la Falla de Alhama de Murcia
Geotemas (Madrid), Núm. 18, pp. 851
Physics-Based Earthquake Simulations in Slow-Moving Faults: A Case Study From the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (SE Iberian Peninsula)
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol. 126, Núm. 5
Relocalización de terremotos y sismotectónica mediante un nuevo modelo cortical 3D en el área de la Falla de Alhama de Murcia (SE Iberia)
Geotemas (Madrid), Núm. 18, pp. 853
Relocation of seismicity in the guadalentín tectonic valley, eastern betics shear zone (southeast iberia)
Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 92, Núm. 5, pp. 3046-3064
Simulaciones de sismicidad sintética basadas en las propiedades físicas de las fallas y la transferencia de esfuerzos: aplicación al Sistema de Fallas de las Béticas Orientales (SE España)
Geotemas (Madrid), Núm. 18, pp. 832