Catedrático de universidad
Department: Mineralogía y Petrología
Faculty: Ciencias Geológicas
Centre/Institute: Instituto de Geociencias (IGEO)
Area: Petrology and Geochemistry
Research group: Dinámica y evolución del Cinturón Varisco europeo
Email: rarenas@ucm.es
Personal web: https://www.ucm.es/mineralogia-y-petrologia/rarenas
Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Evolución petrológica y geoquímica de la unidad aloctona inferior del complejo metamórfico básico-ultrabásico de Cabo Ortegal (Unidad de Moeche) y del silúrico paraautóctono, Cadena Hercínica Ibérica (NW de España) 1986. Supervised by Dr. Mercedes Peinado Moreno.
Ricardo Arenas is Full Professor of Petrology and Geochemistry in the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, University Complutense of Madrid (UCM), and Associated Researcher in the Institute of Geosciences (IGEO, CSIC-UCM). PhD Thesis at the UCM (Faculty of Geology), where I have also developed research work and teaching to undergraduate, master and PhD students during 45 years. Research experience in Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of igneous and metamorphic rocks, as well as in the dynamics of orogenic wedges. Research focused on the study of the origin and tectonothermal evolution of the terranes which constitute the Allochthonous Complexes of the Iberian Massif. This research has been continued during many years and finally has allowed to suggests correlations between Galicia and Trás-os-Montes (Portugal), SW Iberia and also through the Ibéro-Armoricano arc until Brittany. Significant results on the chronology of the Variscan high-P metamorphic events and the age and meaning of the ophiolites involved in the Variscan Orogen. Important advances also in the knowledge about the provenance and isotopic sources of the allochthonous terranes and the Iberian Authochton. This research experience has been applied to the development of paleogeographic models for the Paleozoic in the peri-Gondwanan context and during the assembly of Pangea. The interest of future research is focused on the correlation of the sutures defined in the basement of Western and Central Europe, through an improved knowledge on the chronology and composition of the associated ophiolites and their mantle section, the high-P metamorphism and the involved isotopic sources. Among other services, I have served the scientific community as a member of several Panels in the Spanish Ministries of Science and University and in the local administrations, including review and final raiting of research projects, raiting of predoctoral grants and as a member of the National Commission for Evaluating Research Activity (CNEAIN). Member of several International Panels, including evaluation and raiting of the Fulbright Grants (Spanish-American Committee for Educational and Cultural Affairs), “Comissao de Aconselhamento” of the University of Aveiro for evaluation of the research activity, expert reviewer of projects for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Canada Council for the Arts and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Member of the organizing committee of several international meetings, including: International Conference on Deformation and Plate Tectonics (Gijón, Spain, 1987), Europrobe-European Science Foundation Meeting on the Uralides-Variscides (Oviedo, 1993), 15th International Conference on Basement Tectonics (Galicia 2000, Coruña), Galicia Meeting of the Project 497 of the International Geological Correlation Program (Coruña, 2007), Gondwana 15 Meeting (Madrid, 2014). Member of the Scientific Committees of several national and international meetings and congresses.