Departamento: Ingeniería Química y de Materiales

Facultad: Ciencias Químicas

Área: Enxeñaría Química

Grupo de investigación: Catálisis y procesos de separación


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Doutor pola Universidad de Extremadura coa tese Depuración de alpechín por procesos combinados químicos y biológicos 2000. Dirixida por Dr/a. Jesús José Beltrán de Heredia Alonso, Dr/a. Joaquín Torregrosa Antón.

Juan Garcia has been a Full Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the Complutense University of Madrid since 2018. He received a PhD in Chemical Engineering in 2000 and has carried out research stays in Porto University (Porto, Portugal, 2003), Bath University (Bath, United Kingdom, 2006), Concepción University (Concepción, Chile, 2012) and Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Bragança, Portugal, 2016). Since 2002 he has belonged to CyPS (UCM) research group, first member and then director in 2022. The research group CyPS was recognised with the Excellent mark by Agencia Estatal de Investigación in the last evaluation, 2023. His research interests have focused on the synthesis and characterization of carbon materials with enhanced properties and their catalytic application in adsorption and environmental catalysis, and biomass valorization. He has published 135 papers in JCR journals (2/3 in Q1, 44 in 2019-2023 ( (H index: 43 and more than 6250 citations). He has sent more than 150 communication to congresses (2/3 internationals). 18 book chapters. He has supervised 9 doctoral theses (2 with Extraordinary Award, 4 with International Mention and 2 with Industrial PhD Mention), more than 30 Master Thesis and 18 supervision of international students. So far, he has participated in more than 23 research projects financed by public funds, National Plan, European and Community of Madrid (in 10 of them as main researcher) and in more than 28 research and consulting projects funded by companies (Art. 83 LOU, Art. 60 LOSU) (in 16 of them as main researcher). He is co-author of 1 industrial property product. He has participated as reviewer of the German-Israeli Water Technology Cooperation Program (The Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology), Ministry of Science and Technology of the Argentine Republic (ANPCyT), Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science and the Nottingham University, UK, Research projects of Madrid Community. He is a reviewer of ANEP and State Research Agency projects (since 2010). Moreover, he has cooperated in the organization of several scientific events and chairman of the international organising committee (Waterwaste18, GeenChemistry18, APMC-18, Waterwaste19, GEET-19, MNs-19, GEET-20, GreenChemistry20, WWEM-22, GreenChem-22, GEET-22), workshops and summer schools (UCM in 2010). 5th Technology and Knowledge Transfer Award of the Complutense University. Transfer Award to the Project of the research group entitled "Development of cyclic adsorption processes applied in the chemical industry". Member of the monitoring evaluation panel of the PhD Programme of the UCM from 2019 to the present, and Member of the Research Committee of the Faculty of Chemistry since 2010. Member of the UTAD International External Advisory Committee for the evaluation of research groups. He is a member of the Spanish Catalysis Society (SECAT) and the Spanish Carbon Group (GEC). Editor of special issues of JCR-indexed scientific journals such as Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer), Catalysis (MDPI), Applied Sciences (MDPI), Open Chemistry (De Gruyter), Journal of Envornmental Management (JEMA). Award of the Portuguese Association of Ph.D. studies (APDF) "Celestino da Costa / Jean Perrin" for his contribution to the studies of carbon nanotubes, as part of the research team of the FEUP. He has four six-year research periods recognised (4 sexenios).