Department: Química Analítica

Faculty: Ciencias Químicas

Area: Analytical Chemistry

Research group: Determinación de trazas, especiación y proteómica


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Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Especiación de mercurio en medios naturales desarrollo de métodos analíticos y definición de modelos termodinámicos 2002. Supervised by Dr. Juan Manuel Madariaga Mota, Dr. Alberto de Diego Rodríguez.

Jon Sanz Landaluze is currently "Associate Professor" in the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid. He obtained his PhD in 2002 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) in the specialty of Analytical Chemistry. Later, he made a post-doctoral stay in the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Complutense University of Madrid with a grant from the Basque Government. In 2007 he was hired as an assistant professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and has continued his teaching and research work until the present day in the various roles contemplated at the university. The research work has focused on the development of analytical methods, focusing in the sample treatment for speciation, which has led to the development of alternative methods such as the ultrasound probe, a pressure-accelerated extraction system for the speciation in a wide spectrum of samples of interest, as well as instrumental couplings (GC-MIP/AES GC-MS, HG-ICP/MS, HPLC-Fluorescence, HPLC-MS,...) for speciation analysis of elements such as Se, Hg, As and their nanoforms and the determination of organic compounds such as PAHs, PCBs, drugs,… All these analytical methodologies developed have been applied to various fields, mainly the quantification of various species considered as contaminants, but also to the development of the methodology for evaluating the accumulation power of plants and fish as well as the transport mechanisms and proteins associated with them. In recent years, his research activity has focused on the study of toxicity, as well as metabolic processes and the accumulation of various contaminating compounds in cell lines of special interest. This research work has been reflected in 52 scientific articles with a high impact index (1,516 times cited; with an average per item of 29.73), 3 book chapters and 65 conference presentations (oral communication and/poster). Author position is 20% first author, 10% last, and 27% corresponding. His H-index collected in ISI web of knowledge is 22.