Department: Química en Ciencias Farmacéuticas

Faculty: Farmacia

Area: Organic Chemistry

Research group: Grupo de investigación y transferencia en biotecnología y materiales aplicados


Doctor by the Universidad de Córdoba (ESP) with the thesis Estudio de la influencia de diversos medios orgánicos en la actividad enzimática de nucleasas libres e inmovilizadas 1989.

From my Ph.D. Thesis at the University of Córdoba, thanks to a FPI Scholarship, and all through my postdoctoral stay (working contract as Visiting Research Fellow) at the University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K.(three periods, between 1989 and 1991) my research line has been focused on Biotransformations and Applied Biocatalysis in Organic Chemistry; specifically, my main objective has been the preparation of enantiomerically pure compounds as chemical drug precursors, using mainly hydrolases and alcohol dehydrogenases. On the other hand, my work fits perfectly within Green and Sustainable Chemistry principles, since I have applied these biocatalysts mainly in sustainable bio-solvents, a very sustainable synergy. All this has led me to publish more than 145 scientific papers, reviews, monographs, and book chapters (47 publications in Q1, index h = 36 in Web of Science, h = 38 in Scopus and h = 43 in Google Scholar) and more than 120 communications to national and international Congresses. This has allowed me to receive 6 Research Positive Evaluations from the Spanish Ministry of Science. I have participated in 40 competitive funded projects, contracts, and research activities by different organizations, being the Principal Investigator in 12 of them; inside the framework of these projects, more than 15 students were hired for the development of their scientific career. Recently my research group has begun its participation in DECADES, a Marie Curie Doctoral Network; within it, I am the thesis director of a student, hired by said network until 2026, as well as the Training Manager of the entire consortium, where I am responsible for ensuring the scientific training of the 10 students involved. I have also received 1 Positive Evaluation in Technology Transfer, mainly derived as a result of my participation in the creation of the Biotechnologically-Based Enterprises Incubator of the Scientific Park of Madrid (PCM), where I was involved in the teaching of Training Courses on Chromatography. Also, inside PCM, I was involved in the creation of the Biotransformations Unit, through which 6 labour contracts were stablished. I am currently Co-Director of the Group TRANSBIOMAT (Research and Technology Transfer in Biotechnology and Applied Materials) involved in the recycling of bio-based waste materials (mainly chitin) for the production of commodities and fine chemicals. Besides, I am Member of the Board and Scientific Committee of ESAB (European Society of Applied Biocatalysis) and Head of its Sustainable Chemistry Working Group; nominated by ESAB, I am a Member of SusChem Board (European Platform of Sustainable Chemistry). On the other hand, I am Executive Editor of the Journal “Biocatalysis and Biotransformation” (Taylor and Francis), as well as Editor-in-Chief of the Section “Catalyst for Pharmaceuticals” inside Catalysts (MDPI). On the other hand, as one of the first partners of the SEBiot, Spanish Society of Biotechnology, I was, consecutively, Coordinator of the Section of Applied Biocatalysis (2004-2007), Member of the Board of Directors (2004-2006), Deputy Secretary (2006-2008), and General Secretary (2008 to 2012). Within SEBiot, I have participated in the Organizing and Scientific Committees of 10 Meetings and Conferences (national and international) sponsored by this Society. Inside UCM I have developed my teaching work from 1989 to the present, where I am a Full Professor in Organic Chemistry (March 2018), with 7 teaching quinquennial positive evaluations, in addition to various positive and very positive evaluations according to the Docentia Program, within the Pharmacy degree. Additionally, I have taught Master's, Doctorate and Post-graduate Courses in Spain, Europe (Germany, Italy) and South America (Argentina, Chile, Perú). In this last country, in 2009 I was the responsible of a