Department: Farmacología, Farmacognosia y Botánica

Faculty: Farmacia

Area: Botany

Research group: Biodiversidad, filogeografía molecular y ecología vegetal en lugares extremos


Professor and member of the SYSTEMOL research group at, Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. A scientist with over 20 years experience in the implementation and management of scientific research and services, and extensive experience in reviewing research proposals in the European Union. In addition to an international reputation as a lichenologist and evolutionary biologist, he has wide biodiversity, systematic and bioprospection interests, including the DNA barcoding, metabarcoding, organismic evolution, comparative genomics, cryptic species and speciation. He is a leading authority on lichen diversity and Parmeliaceae systematics, and so far, has described one subfamily, 10 genera and 32 species new to science. He has been appointed as honorary Research Associate (2023) by Negaunee Integrative Research Center of the Field Museum Chicago, USA. He has been appointed twice as Scientist (Principal Scientist and Senior Principal Scientist) by the CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow India. He is ranked #130 in Spain (among 200 best scientist) and #4006 in the world among Best Scientists for 2024 in the field of Ecology and Evolution ( He has received many prestigious fellowships including Juan de la Cierva, Ministry of Science and Education, Spain (2004); Ramon y Cajal Fellow, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (2007) and Fulbright Fellow, U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, USA. (2015), Fellow of International Society of Environmental Botanists (2021) and Fellow of Indian Lichenological Society (2022). He is serving as Associate Editor of many journals of the international repute including Biodiversity and Conservation, Journal of Fungi, BMC Plant Biology, Frontiers in Fungal Biology, Mycokeys and Mediterranean Botany, and has served as guest editor of many journals such as Fungal Biology, Frontiers in Microbiology and Lichenologist. He teaches Pharmaceutical Botany at the Faculty of Pharmacy, UCM, Spain. He has delivered seminars at various institutions of international repute in different countries of the globe (Japan, Estonia, The Netherlands, South Korea, India, Mexico, USA) and plenary lectures at international symposia.