MARTA BEGOÑA CARRETERO LAPEYRE-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (6)


  1. Stancetaking in Discourses: Epistemicity, Effectivity, Evaluation

    Thresholds and Ways Forward in English Studies


  1. Evidential adverbs/particles in English and other European languages: a summary of three semantic/pragmatic studies

    Broadening horizons: a peak panorama of English studies in Spain: [41th AEDEAN Conference]


  1. Elaboración de píldoras educativas para la preparación y defensa del trabajo final de grado en estudios ingleses (lengua y lingüística)

    Las TIC en la enseñanza. Experiencias en la UCM: actas de la Jornada. 29 de marzo de 2017, Facultad de Geografía e Historia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), pp. 225-229


  1. The expression of evidentiality in English, Basque and Spanish: cross-linguistic perspectives and criteria for a database of evidential markers

    On the move: glancing backwards to build a future in English studies : [39th AEDEAN Conference]


  1. Discourse analysis e-forums: (DAEF) Corpus

    Online collaborative writing and the practice of discurse analysis (Compañía Española de Reprografía y Servicios), pp. 127-133