Department: Literaturas Hispánicas y Bibliografía

Faculty: Filología

Area: Spanish Literature

Research group: La otra Edad de Plata: historia cultural y digital


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad de Salamanca with the thesis La tópica de la poesía modernista española (1900-1907). Concordancias y teoría 1993. Supervised by Dr. Víctor García de la Concha.

Doctor by the University of Nottingham with the thesis Una relectura del modernismo en el ámbito de la literatura comparada: teoría y praxis 1997. Supervised by Dr. Richard Andrew Cardwell, Dr. Bernard McGuirk.

Dolores Romero López is a professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. Throughout her professional career, she has specialized in three areas: 1. Relationships between Spanish literature and comparative literature, with the publication of monographs titled "A Reinterpretation of the End of the Century in the Context of Comparative Literature" (1998), "Guidelines in Comparative Literature" (1998), and "Literary Nations" (2006). 2. Studies on historiography, women writers, and translators of the Silver Age, with notable works including "The Margins of Modernity" (2014), "Portraits of Women Translators" (2016), "Delhy Tejero: Illustrated Narratives / Narrated Illustrations," and "Women and the Press in Modernity" (2021). 3. A pioneer in the study of digital literature in Spanish and digital humanities, she has co-edited monographs on "Literatures in the Digital Age" (2007), "Literatures from Text to Hypermedia" (2008), "Digital Environments" (2018), "Towards the Digital Cultural History of the Other Silver Age Spain" (2022), and "Cyberfeminisms, Technotextualities, and Transgenres" (2023). She currently serves as the director of the Research Group "The Other Silver Age: Cultural and Digital History" and is the principal investigator of the "Mnemosine: Towards the Digital History of the Other Silver Age - Production, Storage, Use, and Dissemination" project (2018-2023). She is also a part of the strategic networks INTELE and DARIAH-ES. The results of her research are integrated into the Mnemosine Digital Library. You can contact her at