Publicaciones (233) Publicaciones de DAVID PALACIOS ESTREMERA


  1. Holocene deglaciation of the northern Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica

    Land Degradation and Development, Vol. 34, Núm. 13, pp. 3973-3990

  2. Holocene glacial oscillations in the Tyroler Valley (NE Greenland)

    Land Degradation and Development, Vol. 34, Núm. 9, pp. 2589-2606

  3. The Iberian Peninsula

    Periglacial Landscapes of Europe (Springer International Publishing), pp. 43-68

  4. The Prados del Cervunal morainic complex: Evidence of a MIS 2 glaciation in the Iberian Central System synchronous to the global LGM

    Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 312


  1. A combination of cosmogenic and Schmidt hammer exposure dating in the study of the deglaciation timing of Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (Spain)

    Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography, Vol. 104, Núm. 2, pp. 70-89

  2. Ancient and Present-Day Periglacial Environments in the Sierra Nevada

    The Landscape of the Sierra Nevada: A Unique Laboratory of Global Processes in Spain (Springer International Publishing), pp. 115-128

  3. Concept and global context of the glacial landforms from deglaciation

    European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation (Elsevier), pp. 61-67

  4. Concept and global context of the glacial landforms from the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial

    European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation (Elsevier), pp. 263-269

  5. Concept and global context of the glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial

    European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation (Elsevier), pp. 415-421

  6. El valor patrimonial de los paisajes glaciares de Gredos

    Leyendo el territorio: homenaje a Miguel Ángel Troitiño (Universidad de Guadalajara), pp. 374-387

  7. European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation

    Elsevier, pp. 1-623

  8. European glacial landscapes from the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial

    European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation (Elsevier), pp. 399-411

  9. European glacial landscapes from the Younger Dryas Stadial

    European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation (Elsevier), pp. 589-603

  10. Glacial oscillations during the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial–Younger Dryas transition in the Ruda Valley, Central Pyrenees

    Journal of Quaternary Science, Vol. 37, Núm. 1, pp. 42-58

  11. Introduction

    European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation (Elsevier), pp. 3-9

  12. Late Glacial deglaciation of the Zackenberg area, NE Greenland

    Geomorphology, Vol. 401

  13. The European glacial landscapes from the main deglaciation

    European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation (Elsevier), pp. 243-259