Theses Committees (4)

  1. Secretary of the Committee

    Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Computer Sciencie to be presented with due permission of the Departament of Computer Science, for public examination and debate 2014

    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

    Mateo Cortés, José Antonio

  2. Secretary of the Committee

    Algoritmos heurísticos y aplicaciones a métodos formales 2010

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Rabanal Basalo, Pablo Manuel

  3. Secretary of the Committee

    Entendiendo las semánticas de procesos 2009

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid


  4. Secretary of the Committee

    Semánticas para álgebras de procesos estocásticos no Markovianos 2003

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    López Barquilla, Natalia