Department: Farmacia Galénica y Tecnología Alimentaria

Faculty: Veterinaria

Centre/Institute: Instituto Pluridisciplinar

Area: Applied Physics


Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Interacción mecánica de F₁F₀ ATP sintasa con sistemas modelo de membrana implicaciones biológicas 2018. Supervised by Dr. Francisco Monroy Muñoz, Dr. Iván López Montero.

Assistant Professor at the Departmental Section of Galenic Pharmacy and Food Technology (2021). D. (2018) from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He has developed his teaching work as Assistant Professor (2021-current) at UCM in the subjects of Physics and Physics and Biostatistics Applied to Veterinary Medicine of the Degrees in Food Science and Technology and Veterinary Medicine. He is currently co-directing a doctoral thesis, and has co-directed 6 TFG and 2 TFM. His main field of research is membrane biophysics and computation, focusing his studies on biological membrane lipids and proteins. He has 13 indexed scientific publications (JCR) and an h-index of 6. ORCID: 0000-0002-7297-1901 SCOPUS: 55831074200 GOOGLE SCHOLAR: NiWMZD0AAAAJ RESEARCHERID: R-3757-2019