Czech Technical University in Prague-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (18)


  1. An Area-Level Gamma Mixed Model for Small Area Estimation

    Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 359-368

  2. Small Area Estimation of Proportion-Based Indicators

    Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 329-337


  1. Small area estimation under area-level generalized linear mixed models

    Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, Vol. 51, Núm. 12, pp. 7404-7426


  1. Empirical best prediction under unit-level logit mixed models

    Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 32, Núm. 3, pp. 661-692


  1. Divergence-based tests of homogeneity for spatial data

    Statistical Papers, Vol. 55, Núm. 4, pp. 1059-1077


  1. A modified nested-error regression model for small area estimation

    Statistics, Vol. 47, Núm. 2, pp. 258-273

  2. Small area estimation under random regression coefficient models

    Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 83, Núm. 11, pp. 2160-2177


  1. A Fay-Herriot model with different random effect variances

    Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 40, Núm. 5, pp. 785-797

  2. An area-level model with fixed or random domain effects in small area estimation problems

    Understanding Complex Systems, Vol. 2011, pp. 303-314

  3. Small area estimation of poverty proportions under random regression coefficient models

    Understanding Complex Systems, Vol. 2011, pp. 315-328


  1. Multi-sample Rényi test statistics

    Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Vol. 23, Núm. 2, pp. 196-215

  2. Rényi statistics for testing equality of autocorrelation coefficients

    Statistical Methodology, Vol. 6, Núm. 4, pp. 424-436


  1. Divergence-based tests for model diagnostic

    Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 78, Núm. 13, pp. 1702-1710

  2. Extensions of the parametric families of divergences used in statistical inference

    Kybernetika, Vol. 44, Núm. 1, pp. 95-112


  1. Likelihood divergence statistics for testing hypotheses in familial data

    Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 32, Núm. 2, pp. 415-434