David Moreno Salinas-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (7)


  1. Modelling of a surface marine vehicle with kernel ridge regression confidence machine

    Applied Soft Computing Journal, Vol. 76, pp. 237-250


  1. Identification of a surface marine vessel using LS-SVM

    Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2013

  2. Semiphysical modelling of the nonlinear dynamics of a surface craft with ls-svm

    Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2013


  1. A real-time control for path following of an USV

    IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)

  2. Coordinated control and crash avoidance logic

    2009 European Control Conference, ECC 2009

  3. Implementación del sistema de control para un vehículo naval autónomo

    XXX Jornadas de Automática: Palacio de Congresos Conde Ansúrez, 2-4 de septiembre 2009