Investigador postdoctoral
Publicaciones (7) Publicaciones de GABRIEL MEZGER LORENZO
Breeding bird communities of riparian and upland woodlands respond differently to an Atlantic-Mediterranean climatic gradient in Mainland Spain
Biodiversity and Conservation, Vol. 33, Núm. 5, pp. 1729-1749
Hydrological classification of non-perennial Mediterranean rivers and streams: A new insight for their management within the water framework directive
River Research and Applications, Vol. 39, Núm. 4, pp. 675-691
Analysis of the Evolution of Climatic and Hydrological Variables in the Tagus River Basin, Spain
Water (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 5
¿Qué son los caudales ecológicos y por qué son necesarios?
Ambienta: La revista del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Núm. 135, pp. 30-37
Environmental flows and the mitigation of hydrological alteration downstream from dams: The Spanish case
Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 598
Assessing the Establishment and Implementation of Environmental Flows in Spain
Environmental Management, Vol. 64, Núm. 6, pp. 721-735
El proceso de implementación de caudales ecológicos en los ríos españoles: una evaluación preliminar
X Congresso Ibérico de Gestão e Planeamento da Água: 20 Anos de continuidade de uma nova cultura da água. Fluxos de água, fluxos de vida