Department: Filosofía y Sociedad

Area: German Philology

Research group: Estética contemporánea: arte, política y sociedad

Research group: Normatividad, emociones, discurso y sociedad


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Doctor in Philosophy and History of Philosophy and Doctor Europaeus, he was born in Athens and educated in different European countries. He is Assistant Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid where he teaches Aesthetics and Ancient and Medieval Aesthetics. His publications include the monograph "Iconoclastia Endogena. Una teoria dell'immagine hegeliana. Saggio introduttivo di Félix Duque" (Milano: Mímesis, 2019) and the annotated edition of Longinous’ treatise "On the Sublime" (Acerca de lo Sublime, Madrid: Alianza, 2022). He is currently working on the Beauty in Plotinus, the compilation of sources for the study of Greek Aesthetics, Iconoclasm and the survival of the Sublime in Byzantine Aesthetics.