Achegas congreso (10) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. Bifurcation from infinity for reaction-diffusion equations under nonlinear boundary conditions

    Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics

  2. Competition of spike-conducting pathways in STDP driven neural networks

    NEUROTECHNIX 2017 - Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics

  3. Genesis and development of the mathematical work: the role of the teacher, the trainer and interactions

    Fifth ETM Symposium

  4. Genesis and development of the mathematical work: the role of the teacher, the trainer and interactions

    Fitth ETM Symposium

  5. Holistic model of cognitive limbs for dynamic situations

    NEUROTECHNIX 2017 - Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics

  6. Optimización de estructuras prefabricadas de hormigón para la construcción de edificios industriales, parametrizada con el programa GeoGebra

    VII Congreso Internacional de Estructuras: [resúmenes publicados en la revista Hormigón y Acero (ISSN 0439-5689), v. 68, especial Congreso, junio 2017]

  7. Perimeter symmetrization of some dynamic and stationary equations involving the Monge-Ampère operator

    Springer INdAM Series

  8. Point cloud-based scatterer approximation and affine invariant sampling in the inverse scattering problem

    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

  9. Solution of the inverse scattering problem from inhomogeneous media using affine invariant sampling

    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

  10. The Fundamental Function of Certain Interpolation Spaces Generated by N-Tuples of Rearrangement-Invariant Spaces

    Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics