Publicacións nas que colabora con Asunción de los Ríos Murillo (7)


  1. Another source of soluble salts in urban environments due to recent social behaviour pattern in historical centres

    Science, Technology and Cultural Heritage - Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, 2014

  2. Another source of soluble salts in urban environments due to recent social behaviour pattern in historical centres

    Science, Technology and Cultural Heritage (CRC Press), pp. 89-94

  3. Microbial dolomite in fresh water carbonate deposits

    Sedimentology, Vol. 61, Núm. 1, pp. 41-55


  1. Assessment of laser treatment on dolostones colonized by microorganisms and lichens

    Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (CRC Press), pp. 173-177


  1. Diversidad mineralógica en biofilms asociados a surgencias de aguas carbonatadas sulfatadas: (Almería)

    Macla: revista de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía, Núm. 13, pp. 93-94