Communications dans un congrès (97) Publications auxquelles un chercheur a participé


  1. A General Framework to study Positron Range Distributions


  2. A general framework to study positron range distributions

    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record

  3. AGN forecasts for the Cherenkov Telescope array

    Proceedings of Science

  4. Adaptación de las Matemáticas para biólogos al Plan Bolonia: dificultades y retos

    Investigación y didáctica para las aulas del siglo XXI: experiencias docentes y estrategias de innovación educativa para la enseñanza de la biología y la geología: Actas del I Congreso de docentes de Ciencias de la Naturaleza

  5. An empirical approach to the extragalactic background light from AEGIS galaxy SED-type fractions

    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union

  6. An empirical spectral library of chemically well characterized stars for stellar population modelling

    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union

  7. Anisotropies and chemical composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays using arrival directions measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011

  8. Assessment of New Photosensors for Fast Timing Applications with Large Scintillator Detectors


  9. Assessment of new photosensors for fast timing applications with large scintillator detectors

    IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record

  10. Average value of available measurements of the air-fluorescence yield

    Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2011

  11. Black holes from generalized gauge field theories

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  12. Black holes with electric charge in Palatini theories of gravity

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  13. Bulk viscosity of a pion gas

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  14. Charged rotating black holes in higher dimensions

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  15. Chiral extrapolation of elastic meson-meson scattering: Phase shifts and resonance poles

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  16. Comparison of available measurements of the absolute air-fluorescence yield and determination of its global average value

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  17. Core-crust transition pressure for relativistic slowly rotating neutron stars

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  18. Cosmic magnetic fields and dark energy in extended electromagnetism

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series

  19. Could a foliation by constant mean curvature hypersurfaces cover the existence of most observers in our part of spacetime?

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  20. Dark energy and cosmic magnetic fields: Electromagnetic relics from inflation

    Springer Proceedings in Physics