Chapitres d'ouvrages (12) Publications auxquelles un chercheur a participé


  1. 1: "Si termino como titular y no llego a catedrático..., es algo que no me quita el sueño"

    Trayectorias docentes e investigadoras en la universidad. 24 historias de vida profesional. Los efectos de los cambios en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios (Universidad de Barcelona), pp. 15-30

  2. A cloud broker archi tecture for multicloud environments

    Large Scale Network-Centric Distributed Systems (wiley), pp. 359-376

  3. An Ontology-Based and Model-Driven Approach for Designing IT Service Management Systems

    Best Practices and New Perspectives in Service Science and Management (IGI Global), pp. 142-159

  4. Commercial Off-The-Shelf GMR based sensor on board optos picosatellite

    Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation (Springer International Publishing), pp. 181-210

  5. Composing adaptive distributed embedded and real-time java systems based on RTSJ

    Self-Organization in Embedded Real-Time Systems (Springer New York), pp. 133-149

  6. Decision Aid Models and Systems for Humanitarian Logistics. A Survey

    Decision Aid Models for Disaster Management and Emergencies (Atlantis), pp. 17-44

  7. Enhancing adaptive learning and assessment in virtual learning environments with educational games

    K-12 Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (IGI Global), pp. 578-597

  8. Grupo de Investigación ILSA (Ingeniería de LenguajesSoftware y Aplicaciones)

    Escritorios electrónicos para las literaturas: nuevas herramientas digitales para la anotación colaborativa (Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013), pp. 3-13

  9. Strategies for effective digital games development and implementation

    Cases on Digital Game-Based Learning: Methods, Models, and Strategies (IGI Global), pp. 168-198

  10. Study design and data gathering guide for serious games' evaluation

    Psychology, Pedagogy, and Assessment in Serious Games (IGI Global), pp. 394-419

  11. The pragmatic level of ontolingannot´s ontologies and their use in pragmatic annotation foa language teaching

    Languages for specific purposes in the digital era (Springer Alemania), pp. 323-344

  12. Thermal analysis of the MIPS processor formulated within DEVS conventions

    Formal Languages for Computer Simulation: Transdisciplinary Models and Applications (IGI Global), pp. 103-144