La relación entre relato y discurso filosófico en la literatura españolaBaltasar Gracián y Miguel de Unamuno: dos modos de filosofar

  1. Andersen, Katrine Helene
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Ana María Leyra Soriano Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 18 von Dezember von 2008

  1. Manuel Maceiras Fafián Präsident
  2. Fernando Rampérez Alcolea Sekretär
  3. Ana Bundgaard Vocal
  4. Juana Sánchez-Gey Venegas Vocal
  5. Pedro Ribas Ribas Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The philosophical text pretends to treat the world in wich the reader exists, nevertheless, it confronts the reader and doesn't include him in the textual universe. On the opposite, the literary text calls for an active and creative participation on behalf of the reader as co-creator and implied reader. A theoretical inquiry based on hermeneutical theories and on the aesthetical reception reveals that the structure of appeal (Appelstruktur) of a literary text includes the aesthetical, emotional and pleasurable inclinations of man and consequently doesn't exclusived appeal to reason.. Also, the creation and the comprehension of the unreal involve the imagination as an articulation of consciousness as free and independent. The analysis of the literary text as a work of art reveals the primacy of the poetic word in comparison to the scientific word since it exists for and by itself. This definition of the literary text as a mediator of philosophical themes opens up to the inclusion of literary works like "El Criticón (The Critic) by Baltasar Gracián and Niebla (Mist) by Miguel de Unamuno in philosophy. These two thinkers develop their philosophy from the link (nexo) between thinking and language and the result of their reflections regarding how to express philosophy is the narrative and literary discourse. This is the only way to publish a philosophy that resists logical reason and that wants to express and treat life itself, something impossible to do through the traditional philosophical discourse due to the scientific rationalisation to wich it has been and is submitted.