De la judería medieval a la imprenta modernala asimilación del neoplatonismo en los hispanojudíos de los siglos XVI y XVII

  1. Matzkevich Rodríguez, Hernán Javier
Supervised by:
  1. Susana Gómez López Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 28 June 2017

  1. Angeles Jiménez Perona Chair
  2. Amparo Alba Cecilia Secretary
  3. Inmaculada Hoyos Sánchez Committee member
  4. Howard Mancing Committee member
  5. Moisés González García Committee member
  1. Lógica y Filosofía Teórica

Type: Thesis


The current work makes a historical reconstruction of the procedure which Jewish authors with Spanish-Portuguese background got in contact with elements of Neo-Platonist philosophy. This contact was enhanced by the segregation policies which derivate into the expulsion of Jews from Spain decreed in 1492.After being expelled from the Iberian Peninsula, many of the Jews left to Italy, where Neo-Platonist streams were relevant. Steeped into this philosophical tradition, Jewish authors wrote syncretic works, able to encompass their Jewish cultural inheritance and the new philosophical trends derived from the Italian Renaissance Neo-Platonism. Works produced under this influence experienced an important publishing success involving general audience, due to the fact that they were works assimilated to non-Jewish environments, which made them eligible for a broader scope. These syncretic works produced in the 16th century by Jewish authors influenced also those which were produced by Jewish writers from the 17th century, especially those who were set in Amsterdam. This community produced works, which were inspired by its Renaissance predecessors, works that were read and remarked intensively by European intellectuals from the 17th century who did not belong to Jewish communities...