Calvino habla sobre Calvinola autobiografía en la narrativa realística del primer periodo

Supervised by:
  1. María del Carmen Barrado Belmar Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 21 January 2016

  1. Aurora Conde Muñoz Chair
  2. Mirella Marotta Péramos Secretary
  3. Rossend Arqués Corominas Committee member
  4. Angélica Valentinetti Mendi Committee member
  5. Vicente González Martín Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 142038 DIALNET


Reading Calvino’s works in the light of his biography revealed the presence of a strong autobiographical element. Therefore, from the innumerable possible levels of reading of Calvino's work, it is justifiable to choose the biographical one and to question to what extent and with what aim existential experience can become literary substance. How much of the author's autobiography can we trace in his work, both explicitly and implicitly? We have seen that Calvino's relationship with autobiography was neither calm nor linear. We therefore had to ask ourselves what complex relationship might exist between life experience, memory and writing: of what value to the author is the re-elaboration of his own experience, which is presented sometimes explicitly and sometimes concealed, masked in allegory and expressionistic contortions. The aim of this thesis was to answer these questions. I decided to limit my research to the first realistic narrative output, which includes a few explicitly autobiographical stories from Ultimo viene il corvo (The Crow Comes Last), the first novel from the trilogy Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno (The Path to the Spiders' Nests), the trilogy L’entrata in guerra (Into the War), and the three long stories or short novels, La formica argentina (The Argentine Ant), La speculazione edilizia (A Plunge into Real Estate) and la nuvola di smog (Smog) which together form the fourth book, La vita difficile (Difficult Life) of the 1958 edition of I racconti (Stories), and finally La giornata di uno scrutatore (The Watcher)...