El islamismo y la utilización del "FIQH" con fines políticosel caso del Líbano actual

  1. Jalloul Muro, Hana
Dirigée par:
  1. Rafael Bustos García de Castro Directeur
  2. Santiago Petschen Verdaguer Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 19 novembre 2015

  1. Joelle Bergere Dezaphi President
  2. Najib Abu Warda el Shandoghli Secrétaire
  3. Thierry Desrues Rapporteur
  4. María Isabel Fierro Bello Rapporteur
  5. Nicolás Roser Nebot Rapporteur
  1. Relaciones Internacionales e Historia Global

Type: Thèses


The research project presented below focuses on the study of Islamist parties and movements, especially from the legal scope. What is intended to is a deconstruction of the Islamist discourse in order to evaluate and analyze the use carried out by Islamism of the Islamic religious textual sources, as well as the manipulation of the same texts. To achieve this goal, we used the same sources as these groups utilized. Another aspect highlighted in our research is the current politicization of Islam made by Islamism, making it part of a modern ideology unknown throughout Islamic history. We think that in many cases, and especially related to radical Islamism, there is no proper understanding of the Islamic doctrine, thus we question if the ideological basis of these formations have a real legal support, as well as not finding either an ideological justification that legitimize their positions and their own existence. Since the premises they begin from are religious ones, we think that is the scientific scope of religious-legal disciplines the one we must rely on to face the violent formations. This is where our research becomes important, due to the lack of existing studies from this perspective. Our goal is to discredit the authority of such groups, especially the most radical, through their own religious-legal discourse. From there we get several questions arise, is there in Islam a model of Islamic state or Caliphate as represented by radical Islamist movements? Does the corpus of Sharia justify such group’s fatwas? Do these groups use the methodology of jurisprudence to derive legal rules, and if so, what precedents and materials are used from hadith or the Qur'an? Do they take into account the space-time factor in which the Quranic verses and Surahs were revealed when understanding the text literally? Why custom is imposed on the religious text? These movements mention continuously their existence in relation to the sacred texts, but are they making a different reading to that of other groups of the same religious community? The answers to these questions are a sine qua non condition to clarify why these movements have managed to recreate a nonexistent illusionary entity through the history of the Islamic world reflected in the construction of “the Islamic state”, and make others believe it is by divine command...