Estudiantes y Educadores
- Moreno Sánchez, Isidro
- García García, Francisco
- de Souza, Karla Isabel
ISSN: 1697-8293
Year of publication: 2009
Issue Title: Nativos digitales.
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Type: Article
More publications in: Icono14
The new technologies use at the school is a subject that interests diverse society segments, to include the separation that are between digital born and no digital born. The text approaches under the perspective of the education which the concepts that the new technologies had presented for the society contemporary and that they can be applied in the education to help to reduce at the difference between digital born and no digital born. The concepts are argued and alternative pedagogical they are presented for the application of the same ones in the context of the classroom. The involved schools are Brazilian, the pedagogical line is from Paulo Freire and the used technological resource as experiment is the digital video.
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