Pensar y comunicar la ciencia en femeninonotoriedad de las mujeres científicas en Internet

  1. Padilla Castillo, Graciela
  2. Jivkova Semova, Dimitrina
aDResearch: Revista Internacional de Investigación en Comunicación

ISSN: 1889-7304

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 10

Pages: 74-89

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7263/ADRESIC-010-04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: aDResearch: Revista Internacional de Investigación en Comunicación

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The article focuses on the treatment of men and women as protagonists of specialized scientific information in the Spanish mass media. The obtained results are part of the research project I+D+i nº 2011-004-INV-00016, Proyecto de Investigación para el Fomento de la Igualdad de Género en la Información Científica (Research Project for the promotion of Gender Equality in Scientific Information). In order to achieve the set objectives, the following are analysed and studied in the project: the presence of women scientists in the Internet and in the Spanish press, the image of women scientists in the national press and the gender prejudices and stereotypes in the media representation of women scientists, the correspondence between the media representation of women scientists and their real situation in Spain, and the social perception of women scientists in Spain. In this article, we will only focus on the results of the analysis of women scientists in the Internet. The corpus of information is what was published about science, research and technology in the period June-October 2012. The software programme used for the search and analysis of the information was the programme Swotti Premium. The analysis includes a mixed, quantitative and qualitative methodology: analysis of the texts on scientific topics, focusing on gender inequality and the use of certain words. Thus, for example, we noticed that men researchers are mentioned in a 61% of the cases, 39% in the case of women. After presenting the quantitative data, on mentions and opinions, we continue with the qualitative research by seeking the nouns and adjectives that accompany the researchers depending on their gender. The dangers of this inequality directly affect citizens, who construct sexist gender stereotypes also when thinking of Science.

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