Creatividad y nuevas tecnologíaslas claves de la cultura emprendedora: el papel de la universidad en la formación de intelectuales con espíritu emprendedor
- Rodrigo Martín, Luis
- García García, Francisco
- Rodrigo Martín, Isabel
ISSN: 2174-0992
Year of publication: 2014
Issue Title: Tecnocreatividad
Issue: 8
Pages: 23-37
Type: Article
More publications in: adComunica: revista científica de estrategias, tendencias e innovación en comunicación
We live in a society plagued by a severe economic depression and, more worryingly, a crisis of ideas and values. Answers taken from the public authorities to this situation, as cuts or containment, have failed to solve the problems but to jeopardize the idea of a welfare state, social nature, which seeks to mitigate inequalities among its citizens. Precisely for this reason it is necessary to seek a more complex and long-term solution. A strategy to bet decisively without complex for education, research and creativity as backbones of the different recovery policies. A new university that has as main purpose to educate citizens intra and interpersonal skills, participants in an entrepreneurial culture that allows to respond to current and new problems that arise in the future. New models that generate creative and innovative aimed at creating quality employment ideas, increase the welfare of citizens, expanding their areas of active participation, communication and expression, and building a more balanced society, dominated by the idea of social justice where gain importance values emotional, rational and ethical commitment, and to manage diversity as a source of wealth.
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