Children and adolescents in front of screensa paradigm shift in the relationship and mediation model
- Ortiz Sobrino, Miguel Ángel 1
- Marta Lazo, Carmen 2
- Gabelas Barroso, José Antonio 2
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad de Zaragoza
ISSN: 1137-0734
Year of publication: 2019
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Pages: 353-365
Type: Article
More publications in: Historia y comunicación social
This paper reviews the major theories and research that analyze the relationship between children and screens. In addition, the agents which act as mediators that help children in the interpretation of the messages are considered. As a conclusion, it is observed that the new forms of multiscreen access used by children and adolescents have developed new consumption styles and that information and communication technologies (ICT) have resulted in new styles of interpersonal and group relationships. The impact of the multiscreen society should be analyzed in light of the role played by different mediators and by educommunication.
Funding information
This activity is included within the R&D program of activities of between Social Sciences and Humanities Research Groups from the Community of Madrid, PROVULDIG-CM, Ref. S2015/HUM-3434. This program and its activities are funded by the European Social Fund and the Community of MadridFunders
Comunidad de Madrid
- S2015/HUM-3434
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