Perfect(ive) constructions with the auxiliary verb have + pp in english and their equivalents or corresponding construccions in other european languages (semantic and pragmatic perspective) a critical analysis of the relavant data

  1. Kurylski, R.
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 03 September 2009

  1. Enrique Bernárdez Sanchís Chair
  2. Elena de Miguel Aparicio Secretary
  3. Rafael Guzmán Tirado Committee member
  4. Fernando Presa González Committee member
  5. Emilio Crespo Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 304505 DIALNET


Perfect (ive) constructions with the auxiliary verb have + pp in english and their equivalents or corresponding construction in other european languages (semantic and pragmatic perspective). A critical analysis of the relevant data.