La traducción de las expresiones idiomáticas

  1. Negro Alousque, Isabel
Telar de traducción especializada
  1. Martino Alba, Pilar (ed. lit.)
  2. Lebsanft, Christiane (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Dykinson

ISBN: 978-84-9031-003-8

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 215-220

Type: Book chapter


Idioms are phraseological units characterized by their fixedness and their compositional meaning. Idiom research has focused on two areas: a) description and comparison of thematic (i.e.groups of idioms with similar constituents); and b) typology of cross-linguistic equivalents. The latter issue has been the subject of much research (Roberts 1998; Dobrovols'kij 2000; Corpas 2000, 2003, among others) and has obvious implications for translation. In the present paper we analyse the different translation techniques of idioms according to the degree of equivalence between Spanish, English and French idiomatic expressions. The analysis is based on a corpus of idioms from a range of lexical domains.