Una jarra de Terra Sigillata hallada en Segobriga (Saelices, Cuenca. Conventus Carthaginensis) y la cronología del templo de culto imperial

  1. Sanfeliu Lozano, Daniel
  2. Cebrián Fernández, Rosario

ISSN: 0213-2338 1989-9904

Year of publication: 2000

Issue: 19-20

Pages: 209-214

Type: Article

More publications in: Lucentum


A 3-wing building was discovered during the 2000 excavations in Segobriga. Identified as a temple of imperial worship, it was constructed during the same period as the monumental thermae. The discovery of this temple, together with the pottery recovered from foundation trenches and leveling fillings, dates the construction from the flavian period. There we highlight a jar which belongs to the first sigillata productions of Tritium Magallum.

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