Tratamiento con ozono de las aguas residuales de almazara
- Beltrán de Heredia Alonso, Jesús José
- Torregrosa Antón, Joaquín
- García Rodríguez, Juan
- Domínguez Vargas, Joaquín Ramón
ISSN: 0017-3495, 1988-4214
Year of publication: 2000
Volume: 51
Issue: 5
Pages: 301-306
Type: Article
More publications in: Grasas y aceites
In the present work, the ozonation of olive mill wastewater has been studied. The evolution process was followed by measuring the chemical oxygen demand, the aromaticity and the contents of phenolic compounds. The aromaticity conversion ranged between 4.85 and 21%, chemical oxygen demand degradation varied from 3.25 to 19.4%, and the total polyphenolic reduction varied between 6.86 and 43.7%. The ozone consumption in the reduction of each variable was determined, being the average values of 57.2 g COD/mol O<sub>3</sub>, 2.9 un. Abs/mol O<sub>3</sub> and 3.3 g polyphen./mol O<sub>3</sub>. Finally, considering a first order kinetic equation with respect to each reactant, the apparent kinetic constants are evaluated for the studied variables.