Acció o política. La vida de la políticaacción y (bio) política en Hannah Arendt

  1. Bárcena Orbe, Fernando
Taula: Quaderns de pensament

ISSN: 0214-6657

Ano de publicación: 2011

Número: 43

Páxinas: 29-46

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Taula: Quaderns de pensament


Hannah Arendt noted that it is much harder to put an end to totalitarian Solutions than totalitarian regimes.The totalitarian Solutions that modern democratic societies put into practice to solve the problems they themselves generate depend upon the prolongation of emergent totalitarian conditions. From this standpoint, if twentieth-century philosophical rellection - of which Arendt's work is a good example - were asked about the reasons for the failure of an entire cultural tradition. twenty-first-century philosophy may need lo ask itself about the footsteps of the dynamics of potenlial totalitarian that have been inaugurated by totalitarian regimes. Thus, we believe that the issues pol i li cal philosophy should now consider, through the calegory of totalitarianism, can be summarised in three crucial qüestions: the first concerns the type of relationship that has been eslablished between human life and polítical power. The second involves the type of relationship between reality and fiction initiated as a result of the ideological and media-based power of totalilarian propaganda; and the third asks whether moral philosophy and theology, which have monopolised the debate over evil, continue lo provide adequate intel·lectual tools for discerning between good and evil. This paper focuses on the first of these issues and attempts lo explore several critical propositions related to biopolitics within the context of Hannah Arendts thought. Rather than a comparative analysis between past history and present events, we will use some of Arendt's reflections to attempt to demostrate what remains of the old (totalitarianism) under some forms of the new (biopolitics). From this perspeclive, it can be said that modern biopolitics today can be considered a spectre of totalitarianism..

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