La tecnología como herramienta de respuesta a la diversidad en la universidadAnálisis de la discapacidad como elemento de diferenciación en el acceso y uso de las TIC entre estudiantes universitarios

  1. Zubillaga del Río, Ainara
  2. Alba Pastor, Carmen
  3. Sánchez Hípola, María del Pilar
Revista Fuentes

ISSN: 1575-7072 2172-7775

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 13

Pages: 193-216

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Fuentes


The aim of our research is to inform the assessment by the family of the students (native and foreign) of primary teachers in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, on the use and communicative interaction of Information Technology and Communication Technologies (ICT). The team has tried to analyze, with a particular interest, the relationships between the school and families, focusing more interested in the relationship between families and the school to the incorporation of ICT. The methodology used a crossover design in line with the purpose of research, to obtain the views of the selected sample of 1932 families through the questionnaire as a tool for gathering information. From the results it appears that families show great interest in the use and incorporation of these digital media in the classroom, while they are very interested in receiving training in educational centers on the potential of these technological tools. Regarding the use of Information Technology and Communication in the home there are great differences as are native or foreign, and depending on the country of origin of the parents. This qualification of parents affects the ratings given ICT both in the teaching / learning of their children, as in the use of these takes place within the home.

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