Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica sobre el efecto del consumo de estatinas en las manifestaciones oftalmológicas de la miastenia gravis

  1. S.M.Salado-Font
  2. F.López-Muñoz
  3. F.J.Povedano-Montero
  4. F.Labella Quesada
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia

ISSN: 0365-6691

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 92

Issue: 10

Pages: 464-471

Type: Article


More publications in: Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia


Introduction The first symptoms of myasthenia gravis (MG) usually involve weakness of the ocular muscles, making it relevant that ophthalmologists have updated information on studies as regards its relationship with the consumption of drugs, such as statins. Materials and methods A bibliometric analysis was performed using the Scopus database and by a search strategy in the selection of documents containing descriptors related to statins in the «Title» («TI») field and the descriptors «ophthalm *’, «myast *’, «visual *’ in other fields of the document (period 1986-2015). Results The results showed that, while the number of scientific publications on ocular effects of statins has grown lineally (n = 838; y = 2.267x-4507.1; r = 0.7221; time of duplication: 4.66 years, and rate of annual growth: 50.06%), the specific publications about MG have experienced an exponential growth (n = 38; y = 2E-262e°˙³°°¹ˣ; r = 0.3892; time of duplication: 2.95 years, and rate of annual growth: 46.25%) without reaching the saturation postulated in Price theory of the expansion of the scientific literature. The majority of publications relating to MG are reports of cases linked to a worsening of the MG symptoms, and simvastatin and atorvastatin are the agents mentioned in most of the publications. Conclusions These results should enable ophthalmologists to expand their knowledge concerning the evolution of studies on statins and MG, pointing out the relevance of such causal relationships.