Mujer y educación musical en la España Franquista a través de Historias de Vida

  1. Desirée García GI 1
  2. Presentación Ríos Vallejo 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Expresión Musical y Corporal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)

ISSN: 1989-8851

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Nummer: 5

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Quadrivium


Franco’s dictatorship caused the stagnation of the main pillars of the country and thus, education could not be left out. In that context, woman was swayed by a political system which restricted its action to domestic field and, according to the guidelines of the regime, to female jobs, receiving therefore a formation which differed markedly from the men destined. Within this instruction, it should be remarked the important role played by the musical discipline, as it became one of the best vehicles to impose a totalitarian system idiosyncrasies. The present study, using three life stories as research methodology and the open interview as data collection tool, tries to find out in what way the legislation on education of the thirties and forties influenced the training and professional development of the informants, besides discriminating the contributions that each of them made in pursuit of musical teaching in different educational levels. So, it will be able to be obtained conclusions about the isolated effort of this group in terms of artistic discipline, not only of women, but of the whole society.