Samuel Beckett en un recorrido desde el surrealismo al informalismo

  1. Begoña Fernández Cabaleiro
AACA Digital: Revista de la Asociación Aragonesa de Críticos de Arte

ISSN: 1988-5180

Any de publicació: 2019

Número: 47

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: AACA Digital: Revista de la Asociación Aragonesa de Críticos de Arte


The literary work of Samuel Beckett is not an isolated event in the world of writing and thought. His relationship with artists and thinkers of his time make Beckett try to search for literature other ways of doing and expressing, different from the lines maintained until then. First, the ruptures that lead to surrealism will mark their approaches to space-time. The existentialist drift that followed the Second World War will lead to a formal coincidence between the plastic informalism and the literary approaches of Samuel Beckett. In informalism, as in the evolution of Beckett's creative forms, everything leads us to an aesthetic of existential uncertainty. It works "groping", without apparent previous compositional criteria. This is how Beckett seems to do it when writing and the informalists when painting.

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