Incorporación a la vida adulta de menores migrantes no acompañadosEl caso de la Comunidad de Madrid

  1. Díaz Burgos, María Victoria
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Iglesias Martínez Director

Defence university: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 12 December 2014

  1. Vicenta Rodríguez Martín Chair
  2. Jesús Labrador Fernández Secretary
  3. Isabel Eugenia Lázaro González Committee member
  4. Violeta Quiroga Raimúndez Committee member
  5. Esther Mercado García Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 376142 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


This dissertation examines the process of incorporation into the adult world of migrant minor and without any reference family who were protected by the system of protection of the Region of Madrid until reaching adulthood Taking as reference to Biggart (2004), this transition is the product of personal, social, institutional and family factors. This thesis has attempted to describe how is the process of incorporation in terms of paths and the incidence of certain variables that lead to more successful paths or unsuccessful paths that lead to social exclusion. Addressing this research requires to consider two broad topics of reference: the phenomenon of unaccompanied migrant minors (subject of study) and trajectories of incorporation into the adult world of the youth population (object under study). This dol thesis is divided into two parts: the first part is a theoretical approach to the subject of study and the characteristics that allow to understand the phenomenon of migration of unaccompanied minors and their transition to the adult world. The second part focuses on methodological aspects, results and its analysis. The results were obtained using a qualitative methodology, taken in consideration the narrative speeches of young people and staff which has developed her professional career with this group as the central axis of study. The analysis leads to the conclusions and the recommendations that this thesis is closed. Among the findings, the existence of three types of trajectories in the process of reaching adulthood; the relevance in that process of a series of relevant socio-structural variables (social capital, educational capital, socio-educational resources, administrative status, social policies, immigration project); risk and protective factors derived from these variables determine that these trajectories are more aimed at "risk of exclusion" or on the contrary to "greater protection". These findings take one step further and try to guide proposals that improve current reception and support for this group and to remark the importance of social policies that facilitate a full emancipation of this collective.