Criar en colores, nuevas experienciasuna intervención de agua y color con madres jóvenes de etnia gitana en Servicios Sociales de Fuentidueña, Villa de Vallecas
- Larraín, Adelaida 1
- Ávila, Noemí 1
- Cortés, Fátima 2
- 1 Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- 2 Servicio de Prevención y Promoción de la Salud de Madrid Salud. CMSc de Villa de Vallecas.
ISSN: 1695-8403, 2254-7592
Datum der Publikation: 2019
Nummer: 10
Seiten: 95-115
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Educación artística: revista de investigación (EARI)
Abstract: Raising in colors, new experiences is an art and health project carried out in the Villa de Vallecas district, Madrid. The intervention is part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Program and constitutes one of the health promotion and prevention programs implemented by Municipal Health Centers of the City of Madrid in conjunction with Madrid’s Community Social Services Center. The intervention was developed on a weekly basis between January and April 2018 in the Social Services Center of Fuentidueña, Villa de Vallecas, and was carried out by an artist and educator, medical professionals from Madrid Salud and social family educators from the social services center. The workshop was oriented to a group of young gypsy mothers, called Learning to be Mothers, who are beneficiaries of the minimum insertion income (RMI). The group was formed two years ago at the center. One of the main objectives was to continue the capacitation of this group. With this purpose, an art program (Watercolor and water techniques) was presented, and through it women would develop, with plastic and artistic languages, experiences of well-being, enjoyment, connecting with their children and discovering new health spaces. Keywords: watercolor, wellness, empowerment, gypsy, mothers, women
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