Territorio y política de los circuitos cortos de alimentación en la Comunidad de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Publisher: Asociación de Geográfos Españoles
Year of publication: 2017
Pages: 2563-2572
Congress: Congreso de Geógrafos Españoles (25. 2017. Madrid)
Type: Conference paper
In Europe, short food chains (SFC) have become elements of territorial valorization. Its existence is linked to a consciousness increase about a more sustainable way of producing and consuming quality products, avoiding the ecological, social and economic footprint of the predominant models of production and distribution of food. Its territorial, socio‐economical and community organization models effects, as well as on local, regional and national governance, are the subject of ongoing research in Madrid. The communication advances preliminary analytical results of SFC in the Community of Madrid, specifically on the contrasted representations that its actors (producers, consumers, policymakers) have about their territorial and political dimension. For this, the specific policy instruments are analyzed, especially the Regional Rural Development Programme and its supporting measures for agricultural and local productions commercialized in SFC. A twofold gap is identified: that between regional policies and the ideals and models of action of producers, processors and groups of consumers with agroecological orientation, and that between the regional policies and the new sustainability approaches that Europe is taking on.