Contexto de evolución conceptual de la rsc en Colombia. Propuesta de un sistema econométrico de medición de índices de rsc en las pymes colombianas
- Molina Moreno, Valentín
- Quesada Rubio, José Manuel
- Ruiz Guerra, Ignacio
ISSN: 1794-7154, 2382-3240
Year of publication: 2011
Volume: 6
Issue: 2
Pages: 19-33
Type: Article
More publications in: Saber, ciencia y libertad
The Corporate Social Responsibility has a large background in its philosophy, which has provided some orientation on the behavior in the business and business management scope. In the field of business ethics we find the CSR. While the notions of social responsibility in the modern era originated, Carroll (1999), in the decade of the 50, since then lots of definitions can be found; but in essence the concept refers to the responsibilities of the companies (specially the biggest ones) with the society and they go beyond just the economic and legal obligations. These responsibilities are carried out through various voluntary activities. Carroll (1999) points out that if these actions are taken simply to comply with the law, then they can not be considered part of the CSR. The purpose of this research is to propose an econometric model to study the Colombian SME’s difficulties when adopting the CSR by going along the path of the evolution of this theory in the Colombian context.
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