Simetría y asimetría informativa en página webEl caso de las empresas del IBEX 35 y las ONG. Un análisis comparado
- Alejandro Tapia Frade
- Raquel Caerols Mateo
ISSN: 1138-3305, 2340-5007
Any de publicació: 2015
Títol de l'exemplar: From Spectators to Users: Exploring the Ongoing Transformation of Media Audiences
Número: 36
Pàgines: 133-150
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Trípodos
This paper analyzes the exposure and feedback information of the companies in the IBEX 35 and a sample of NGOs through their Web portals. For this we resorted to the technique of content analysis. The results regarding exposure demonstrate proper management of communication on the internet, with special attention to investors, but have certain deficiencies that could be corrected. For their part, NGOs emphasize less on this aspect. However, the information feedback mechanisms not enjoy such a marked development. In the case of IBEX 35 companies cannot be discussed nor valued news content are presented with such dedication, and action in social media blogs significant limitations both in the presence and expressive capacity for public. NGOs have an even lower performance. So, still being managed web presence in the form of window, with outstanding performances at the exhibition but much more limited at feedback proposals. In conclusion, the communication process accuses a marked degree of asymmetry in both types of organization, which is also relevant systemically
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