State and multilateralism, a theoretical approach. Transformations in a globalized international society

  1. Paloma González del Miño
  2. Concepción Anguita Olmedo

ISSN: 1647-7251

Año de publicación: 2013

Volumen: 4

Número: 2

Páginas: 70-83

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: JANUS.NET


The State, classical international actor, has had to readaption to the new dynamics in the International Society and has given prominence to other actors. In this logic, it´s relevant to analyze the role in the international system after the Cold War to evaluare whether it is still an actor capable of responding to the functional needs of the society. For this, reaffirms its commitment to multilateralism as a response to the main issue on the international agenda. Namely, is reactivated as an ideal tool to manage structural changes, despite the different interpretations of United States, the European Union or the BRICS. The object of this analysis contribute to the academic debate and focuses on studying the transformations of the State in the globalized international society where multilateralism has become a concept discussed and a common practice in the international discourse, despite its complexity and the different visions and interpretations by different actors. Multilateralism granted the State a path of cooperation and understanding as a guiding principle and foreign policy legitimizing discourse.

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