Los principios metodológicos AICLE (aprendizaje integrado de contenido y lengua) en las programaciones docentes del programa bilingüe de la comunidad de MadridEstudio empírico

  1. CUSTODIO ESPINAR, Magdalena
  2. GARCÍA RAMOS, José Manuel
Interdisciplinaridad y transferencia: Actas I Encuentro de doctorados e investigadores noveles
  1. María José Rodríguez Conde
  2. María Esperanza Herrera García
  3. Susana Olmos Migueláñez
  4. Fernando Martínez Abad
  5. Eva María Torrecilla Sánchez
  6. Juan Pablo Hernández Ramos
  7. Patricia Torrijos Fincias
  8. José Carlos Sánchez Prieto
  9. Adriana Gamazo García
  10. Francisco José García Peñalvo
  11. Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo
  12. Valentina Zangrando
  13. Alicia García Holgado
  14. Felicidad García Sánchez
  15. Juan Cruz Benito

Editorial: Asociacion Interuniversitaria de Investigacion Pedagógica (AIDIPE)

ISBN: 978-84-697-4200-6

Any de publicació: 2017

Pàgines: 321-330

Congrés: Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa (AIDIPE) (18. 2017. Salamanca)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


The Bilingual Program of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, henceforth CM, has been a personal and professional challenge for the teachers responsible for its implementation in the classroom since it arrived the Primary School in 2004-2005. This program, which is based on content and language integrated learning (CLIL), requires a stimulation to consolidate the results obtained with it. After the initial effort dedicated to the dissemination of the program and the training of the teachers who participate in it both in Primary and Secondary, and as a strategy to guarantee the improvement of the quality of the program and its long term sustainability, it is proposed to carry out a research of the results obtained until now under the perspective of the presence of the CLIL methodological principles in the teaching programming.