¿Producen los atentados terroristas selectivos una mayor sintomatología de estrés postraumático en sus víctimas que los atentados indiscriminados?

  1. Arantxa Soriano 1
  2. Pedro Altungy 1
  3. Clara Gesteira 1
  4. Noelia Morán 1
  5. Roberto Navarro 1
  6. Ana Sanz García 1
  7. María Paz García-Vera 1
  8. Jesús Sanz 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Psicopatología Clínica Legal y Forense

ISSN: 1576-9941

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 20

Issue: 1

Pages: 195-214

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicopatología Clínica Legal y Forense


The scientific literature on the psychopathological consequences derived from a terrorist attack has not yet addressed whether the type of attack on the selective versus indiscriminate dimension may be related to the level of posttraumatic stress symptomatology suffered by its victims. Since in Spain the victims of selective terrorist attacks have suffered very high levels of stress, threat and physical and psychological harassment and very low levels of social support, both before and after the attacks, one would expect that such victims should suffer higher levels of posttraumatic stress symptomatology than the victims of indiscriminate attacks. To verify this hypothesis, a sample of 224 direct and indirect victims (relatives of the deceased and wounded) of terrorism in Spain completed the PTSD Checklist, specific version (PCL-S), and the attacks they had suffered were coded into four categories: indiscriminate, selective, selective and indiscriminate, and indiscriminate with target population. After controlling the effect of sex, age, the years elapsed since the attack and the type of victims, a regression analysis did not find that the type of attack was significantly related to the level of posttraumatic stress symptomatology. The results are discussed in the context of the psychosocial factors that have characterized terrorism in Spain and the factors of vulnerability and protection that predict the levels of psychopathology that victims may suffer after a terrorist attack.

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