Turkish Tv Series and Soap Opera’s Feminist Reinventionthe Case of Mujer (Kadin) in Spain

  1. Asunción Bernárdez-Rodal 1
  2. Graciela Padilla-Castillo 1
  3. Aysel Zeynalova 1
  1. 1 Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
[New] Normal Technology Ethics: Proceedings of the ETHICOMP 2021
  1. Mario Arias-Oliva (coord.)
  2. Jorge Pelegrín-Borondo (coord.)
  3. Kiyoshi Murata (coord.)
  4. Eva Reinares Lara (coord.)

Editorial: Universidad de La Rioja

ISBN: 978-84-09-28671-3

Any de publicació: 2021

Pàgines: 46-50

Congrés: International Conference on the Ethical and Social Impact of ICT (19. 2021. Logroño)

Tipus: Aportació congrés