Utilidad de la ecografía en la realización de osteotomías distales metatarsales mínimamente invasivas

  1. Martinez Ayora, Alvaro
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Javier Vaquero Martin Director
  2. Manuel Cuervas-Mons Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 11 March 2021

  1. Fernando Marco Martínez Chair
  2. José Antonio Calvo Haro Secretary
  3. Pilar Martínez de Albornoz Committee member
  4. Francisco Forriol Campos Committee member
  5. Alberto Touza Fernández Committee member
  1. Cirugía

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 155098 DIALNET


Metatarsalgia is a frequent cause of forefoot pain. Surgical treatment is based on the performance of osteotomies at the level of the minor radii to restore a normal distribution of pressure within the forefoot and improve the biomechanics during gait. In recent years, percutaneous surgery of the foot, and specifically distal metatarsal minimal invasive osteotomy , have proven to be a valid technique, providing satisfactory clinical results, similar to open osteotomy with less soft tissue aggression. The percutaneous surgery requires intraoperative fluorocopy to be performed. BACKGROUND: This study aims to analyse our results with the surgical procedure of distal metatarsal minimally invasive osteotomy guided by ultrasonography...