Prácticas de crianza de las familias españolas durante el periodo de confinamiento por coronavirus

  1. Valverde Montesino, Susana 1
  2. Martín Martín, Margarita Carmen 1
  3. Solbes Canales, Irene 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Investigación y Psicología en Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

ISSN: 1696-2095

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 19

Issue: 54

Pages: 325-350

Type: Article

DOI: 10.25115/EJREP.V19I54.4134 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

Sustainable development goals


Introduction.One of the many measures used to reduce the spread of thecoronavirus pandemic wasthe confinement of Spanish families at home for several weeks, without school attendance or contact with people outside the nuclear family. Studies carried out worldwide show that this type of measure and the crisis context can have serious negative consequences for the mental health of children and their families, which could be mitigated by parenting practices that followa positive parenting model. Method.336 mothers and fathers with children aged 2 to 8 years answered a questionnaire about parenting principles (Parenting Pentagon Model) applied during the lockdown. A descriptive analysis of results from the whole sample was performed, taking into account families’ sociodemographic variables that may also be moderators ofthe parenting practices applied. Results.According to families’ responses, parenting practices during the lockdown were generally in line with indications of the positive parenting model. The most frequent parenting principles reflected were those related to unconditional love, followed by encouraging independence and adherence to rules. Slight differences were found in parenting practices in relation to the parent’s or the child’s sex, the parent’s or child’s age, and parents’ educational level. Discussion and conclusions.Parents gave great importance to unconditional love over the other aspects of parenting during the lockdown, although all the principles were rated highly. This might mean that parents had a positive perception of their parenting practices during the lockdown, close to theexperts’ recommendations. We recommend further inquiry into family practices that are applied during periods of crisis and stress, such as the current pandemic, in order to design preventiveand intervention strategies that provide all necessary support and ensure the mental health of children.

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